[pdal] Write and zip function based on PDAL

Michael Gerlek mpg at flaxen.com
Mon Oct 10 19:01:31 EDT 2011

It says it couldn't find swig. Do you have swig in your path?


On Oct 10, 2011, at 3:58 PM, ping yang <pingyang.whu at gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Mike,

I am trying to compile the mpg-config file, I set the parameter as follows:
@echo off

:: Pick your architecture, 32 or 64 bits
set COMPILER="Visual Studio 10 Win64"
set COMPILER="Visual Studio 10"

:: Pick your build type
set BUILD_TYPE=Release
set BUILD_TYPE=Debug

:: Set some useful path variables
::    "utils" is where you might have libraries installed, like Boost
::    "dev" is where you build things yourself, like PDAL and laszip
set UTILS_DIR=c:\utils
set DEV_DIR=c:\dev

:: Where is your OSGeo4W installed?

:: Where is boost installed?
set BOOST_DIR=C:\boost\boost_1_47

:: Where are the GLUT libs installed?
::  (only needed if you want to build pcview)
set FREEGLUT_DIR=%DEV_DIR%\freeglut-2.6.0-3.mp
set GLUT_DIR=%DEV_DIR%\freeglut-2.6.0-3.mp

:: Where is LASZIP?  (can be either from OSGeo4W or your own build tree)
rem  set LASZIP_LIBRARY=%OSGEO4W_DIR%\laszip\laszip.lib
rem  set LASZIP_INCLUDE_DIR=%OSGEO4W_DIR%\laszip\include
set LASZIP_LIBRARY=%DEV_DIR%\laszip\bin\Debug\Debug\laszip.lib
set LASZIP_INCLUDE_DIR=%DEV_DIR%\laszip\include

:: Where is LIBLAS?  (can be either from OSGeo4W or your own build tree)
rem  set LIBLAS_LIBRARY=%OSGEO4W_DIR%\lib\liblas.lib
set LIBLAS_LIBRARY=%DEV_DIR%\liblas\bin\Debug\Debug\liblas.lib
set LIBLAS_INCLUDE_DIR=%DEV_DIR%\liblas\include

:: Where is your PDAL build tree?
set PDAL_DIR=%DEV_DIR%\pdal

:: Where are the OCI libraries installed?

:: (not needed?)

:: If you set the above stuff correctly, then you should only need to
:: modify the "WITH" (on/off) settings in the following CMAKE invocation.
:: For most people, you should have these turned ON:
::    GDAL
::    ORACLE
::    LASZIP
::    LIBXML2
:: and these turned OFF:
::    LIBLAS
cmake -G %COMPILER% ^
    -DFREEGLUT_LIBRARY=%FREEGLUT_DIR%\lib\freeglut.lib ^
    -DTIFF_LIBRARY=%OSGEO4W_DIR%\lib\libtiff_i.lib ^
    -DGEOTIFF_LIBRARY=%OSGEO4W_DIR%\lib\geotiff_i.lib ^
    -DGDAL_LIBRARY=%OSGEO4W_DIR%\lib\gdal_i.lib ^
    -DORACLE_OCI_LIBRARY=%OSGEO4W_DIR%\lib\oci.lib ^
    -DLIBXML2_LIBRARIES=%OSGEO4W_DIR%\lib\libxml2.lib ^
 -DICONV_LIBRARY=%OSGEO4W_DIR%\lib\iconv.lib ^
however, I don't know whether it has been successfully compiled? here is the
information copy from the DOS command line:

-- Searching for GDAL 1.6.0+ library
--    NOTE: Required version is not checked - to be implemented
-- Searching for GeoTIFF 1.2.5+ library
-- Found GeoTIFF version: 1.3.0
-- Could NOT find SWIG (missing:  SWIG_EXECUTABLE SWIG_DIR)
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:271 (include):
  include called with wrong number of arguments.  Include only takes one
-- Found Swig version
-- Enabling swig for csharp
-- Searching for Oracle + OCI client library
-- Enable PDAL unit tests to build - done
-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!

Could you please help me on this?


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