[pdal] Question About Spatial index

Nicolas Mantelier nicolas.mantelier at spaceyes.fr
Tue Jul 9 02:44:39 PDT 2013

Hi everybody,


I am starting with PDAL step by step, 


I read an las file that I display with osg that work pretty well, 

I want now make some optimization for loading and reloading my scene,


My file testing is las with 25 000 000 points so I use:

One reader, on which I use decimation filter, then Crop filter.

All this step are quick, but when I use sequentialIterator and read function
I can take a coffee break.

That is a big problem for me, cause I want to reload my scene with different
decimation factor or different Bounds.

And each time all las is read.

Is there any method for read only a part of file? 

Any way to produced spatial index ?



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