[pdal] Bug: Compile on Windows

Howard Butler hobu.inc at gmail.com
Tue May 28 06:57:11 PDT 2013

On May 27, 2013, at 10:39 AM, Nicolas Mantelier <nicolas.mantelier at spaceyes.fr> wrote:

> Additional question
> I try to add PDAL in my project work on vs2003 ( it is not the moment to move to another vs )
> My question; there is an C api for Pdal like for Gdal ?

There is no C API for PDAL, but I would be excited to incorporate a patch that mimic's GDAL's opaque pointer approach to C API construction for PDAL. I do not have time or need to develop this myself just now.

> Erreur   16           error LNK2001: symbole externe non résolu _CPLGetErrorHandlerUserData at 0               

I don't think you're linking against the correct gdal.lib. You probably compiled against 1.9 and linked against 1.8. The CPLGetErrorHandlerUserData stuff came in 1.9+, IIRC.

Hope this helps,


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