[pdal] Application reorganization and Vagrant configuration

Howard Butler howard at hobu.co
Mon Oct 21 14:26:56 PDT 2013


I have taken the liberty to collapse pcpipeline, pc2pc, pcinfo, and pcquery into a git-style application -- pdal. I've found myself adding more capabilities and miniature applications, and it seemed silly to keep proliferating new application names with all of the requisite machinery required to do so. Also, this reorganization brings the application-focused stuff into pdal::kernel, much like the application kernel that existed in libLAS once upon a time. Thanks to the work Michael Gerlek has done, however, PDAL's is much more powerful. This approach means that developers can take advantage of the application logic in their own software without jumping out to a command line application if they wanted to.

The second recent development is that I have created a Vagrant configuration for PDAL. Vagrant is configuration management for VirtualBox, and you can use it to create a simple virtual machine that is fully outfitted with a working PDAL environment. There are scripts added in the scripts/vagrant directory in addition to the Vagrantfile configuration. Usage of this new tool is as simple as:

~/dev/pdal $ vagrant up
~/dev/pdal $ vagrant ssh
~/dev/pdal $ vagrant halt
~/dev/pdal $ vagrant destroy

The configuration is a 64bit Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, with the addition of some PPAs for boost 1.53 and GIS software. Everything is installed into /usr except for PDAL, which is installed in /usr/local 

Both of these changes are in the master branch as of this afternoon.



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