[pdal] LAS reader, P2G and pdal

Amine el amrani aminelamrani2 at hotmail.com
Tue May 27 07:24:37 PDT 2014

Hi guys ,
I'm working on creating DEMs using LiDAR data for orthophoto
      creation purposes. The ultimate goal is to insert these
      orthorectification algorithms in an open source French spatial
      image processing library called Orfeo Tool Box (OTB).


      Since there was no official release of pdal, I'm spending a lot of
      time deciphering the code to understand the methods used in each
      class and it's quite intricate some times. (I'm a beginner)


      So I have a couple of questions if you have time to answer them
      quickly :


      - After reading a LiDAR set of points, I want to remove all the
      points that are not last returns. Is this method already
      implemented in the LASReader class ? Otherwise, do you have an
      idea how to proceed ? It should be noted that I can't use Liblas
      in this project as the OTB development team decided not to.


      - P2G gives me some odd results when interpolating. Some points
      are completely aberrants (a 2000m height isolated
      points where all the surrounding area is about 900 m height). Note
      that my LiDAR files are of high quality (French government data). 
      I highly suspect the multiple returns issue to have something to
      do with it. Note that the "den" output format gives me some
      extremely noisy results (barely meaningful) 


      - The method "getStreamFactory" doesn't work because it contains
      pure virtual methods, and I don't know how to resolve this.

      Thanks in advance, 
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