[pdal] Dutch AHN2 point cloud free and open web visualization

Oscar Martinez Rubi o.rubi at esciencecenter.nl
Tue Jul 28 07:02:16 PDT 2015

Dear all,

As part of the "Massive Point Clouds for eSciences" 
(http://pointclouds.nl/) project we have combined the forces of potree, 
PDAL, LAStools and some new tools to create a free and open 3D point 
cloud visualization of all the Netherlands in the web.


- It currently works in Firefox and Chrome in all the OSs but in order 
to enjoy the navigation it is recommended to use a system with decent 
graphics performance (if that is not the case, use the settings to 
decrease the number of points)
- It still runs in our testing server so be gentle with it ;)

In addition to the 3D point cloud visualization (based on potree) it 
also has a download tool (using LAStools) so you can download your 
favourite part of the country! Also a 2D map where the field of view is 
depicted, a customizable colour range, a search bar and measurement tools.

All the new code is free open source and available in github:

- https://github.com/NLeSC/Massive-PotreeConverter
- https://github.com/NLeSC/ahn-pointcloud-viewer
- https://github.com/NLeSC/ahn-pointcloud-viewer-ws

Search for your home (only if you live in the NL! ;) )

Kind Regards,

Oscar, Stefan and Maarten @ the Netherlands eScience Center
"Massive Point Cloud for eScience" project partners are: TU Delft, 
Netherlands eScience Center, Oracle, Fugro, Rijkwaterstaat, CWI
Also many thanks to Markus Schütz (potree)!

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