[pdal] crop inside and outside

Howard Butler howard at hobu.co
Tue May 5 10:33:42 PDT 2015

> On May 5, 2015, at 11:10 AM, Oscar Martinez Rubi <o.rubi at esciencecenter.nl> wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to crop the points in a file that are inside a polygon (or bounding box) into a new file but also want to put the points outside in another file.
> I guess i can do this with two runs of pdal pipeline (one with inside=true and other with false) but this means all the points are processed twice Is there a way to do it in a single run in a way that the input file does not need to be processed twice?
> BTW, my end goal is to divide the file into parts according to a fixed grid so if someone knows a better way of achieving this let me know please.

The new split command should be exactly what you want.



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