[pdal] Migrating from libLAS

Vaclav Petras wenzeslaus at gmail.com
Thu Sep 3 15:22:18 PDT 2015

On Thu, Sep 3, 2015 at 5:14 PM, Newcomb, Doug <doug_newcomb at fws.gov> wrote:

> r.in.lidar input=aggregated.las output=skewness_60_ft_5ft_to_canopy_top
>  z_mode=hag base_dem=aggrgated_dem.vrt zrange=5,250 method=skewness
> z_mode would be either height above ground (hag) or datum (height from
> datum - default)

I'm not sure what is z_mode=datum. Isn't this just subtract value from z

But anyway, speaking just about GRASS GIS, it is surely possible for
v.in.lidar (although with significant slow down but trivial
implementation). I guess it is possible for r.in.lidar as well. I'm not
sure how scalable (in terms of number of points) it would be when using
PDAL. It seems that PDAL can limit it when doing processing but apparently
there are ways around it at least for some cases but nothing like
lasbuildvrt to paste together several files without actually merging them.
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