[pdal] Website refactoring and workshop materials

Howard Butler howard at hobu.co
Mon Apr 11 12:25:59 PDT 2016


Pete Gadomski and myself gave a PDAL workshop at UNAVCO a couple of weeks ago [1], and we developed a 100+ page book of materials and examples for people to follow using Docker. I have included this workshop in the PDAL website [2] along with a significant reshuffling of documents in hopes of making it quicker and easier to find the things you are looking for. Additionally, the new theme (from ReadTheDocs) works on mobile.

I'm interested in your feedback. Is the organization better? What things are you looking for when you're on the website?

Finally, for your dead-tree enjoyment, the entire documentation set is now available as a single 450+ page PDF [3]


[1] https://twitter.com/opentopography/status/715261669270622208
[2] http://www.pdal.io/workshop/index.html
[3] http://www.pdal.io/PDAL.pdf

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