[pdal] Compiling pdal 1.2 on windows

Helimap Postmaster postmaster at helimap.ch
Wed Apr 20 13:21:03 PDT 2016

Hello All,

I'm compiling pdal 1.2 on windows to use the json syntax instead of the xml
one. I use the github version checking out hte tag 1.2.0. The compilation
goes fine, but it ends up missing the dependent dlls

I've changed the install directory and I use nmake to compile. Into the
install directory, nmake builds  a few pdal static libs under libs and the
pdal.exe plus tests under bin.

As dependencies, cmake found the OSGeo4W64 import .lib libs for gdal,
geotiff, laszip, xml... and so on.

I've tried copying all the osgeo dlls into the pdal bin directory. In that
situation, it doesn't complain about the dlls, but it fails to launch
pdal.exe with the message the application was unable to start correctly
c00007b, which I guess is due to wrong dlls.

If I tell cmake to build the shared libraries, then I get the error
pcpipelineTestJSON.cpp.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
"class testing::internal::Mutex testing::internal::g_linked_ptr_mutex"

even if I disable the build tests options.

I guess I could fix the error above, but I don't think that would solve the
dll problem.

If I tick the build static option, i have the same problem with the dlls.

I am open to do more tests etc. I could also use MSBuild to build, if you
thing it would change things.


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