[pdal] Compiling pdal 1.2 on windows

Helimap Postmaster postmaster at helimap.ch
Fri Apr 22 08:06:06 PDT 2016

Thanks Howard!

Some didn't make it to it:

My purpose is to use pdal 1.2.0 on windows. The binary provided by
OSGeo4W64 is version 1.1.0, which doesn't support the json syntax.

To do so, I thought I'd compile it from source, leading to the mentioned

What I'm doing is compiling with cmake and nmake. I use cmake-gui to change
the options I've mentioned and then I just run nmake which compiles the

So the commands would be cmake-gui .. and nmake (or nmake install)

The output is normal, it builds the pdal binary and other targets. e.g.
[100%] Build target pdal

If I then run pdal.exe I get the typical* missing dll* windows pop-up. If I
add the missing dlls, then the message changes to the application was
unable to start correctly c00007b

If, on the cmake step, I select the option 'Build shared libraries', then I
get the compilation error pcpipelineTestJSON.cpp.obj : error LNK2001:
unresolved external symbol "class testing::internal::Mutex

So my question would boil down to: has anybody built pdal 1.2 on windows?
Might somebody have a clue about the 'unable to start correctly' error?
Should I download all the dependencies source code and compile them, do you
know which are the dll correct versions and where to find them?

I have the development enviroment set up, so I am gladly available to help
compiling pdal 1.2 for windows if you wish :) For now I use the linux
docker version.



On Fri, Apr 22, 2016 at 5:03 PM, Howard Butler <howard at hobu.co> wrote:

> Yes. You can always check the archive for confirmation. See
> http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/pdal/2016-April/thread.html
> Howard
> On Apr 22, 2016, at 4:52 AM, Helimap Postmaster <postmaster at helimap.ch>
> wrote:
> DId my message reach the list?
> On Wed, Apr 20, 2016 at 10:21 PM, Helimap Postmaster <
> postmaster at helimap.ch> wrote:
>> Hello All,
>> I'm compiling pdal 1.2 on windows to use the json syntax instead of the
>> xml one. I use the github version checking out hte tag 1.2.0. The
>> compilation goes fine, but it ends up missing the dependent dlls
>> I've changed the install directory and I use nmake to compile. Into the
>> install directory, nmake builds  a few pdal static libs under libs and the
>> pdal.exe plus tests under bin.
>> As dependencies, cmake found the OSGeo4W64 import .lib libs for gdal,
>> geotiff, laszip, xml... and so on.
>> I've tried copying all the osgeo dlls into the pdal bin directory. In
>> that situation, it doesn't complain about the dlls, but it fails to launch
>> pdal.exe with the message the application was unable to start correctly
>> c00007b, which I guess is due to wrong dlls.
>> If I tell cmake to build the shared libraries, then I get the error
>> pcpipelineTestJSON.cpp.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
>> "class testing::internal::Mutex testing::internal::g_linked_ptr_mutex"
>> even if I disable the build tests options.
>> I guess I could fix the error above, but I don't think that would solve
>> the dll problem.
>> If I tick the build static option, i have the same problem with the dlls.
>> I am open to do more tests etc. I could also use MSBuild to build, if you
>> thing it would change things.
>> Cheers!
>> Pol
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