[pdal] PDAL 1.2 compilation on Windows
Kristian Evers
kreve at sdfe.dk
Thu Jun 30 04:10:10 PDT 2016
Generally the windows build documentation could use a big overhaul. The current description of the build procedure (http://www.pdal.io/development/compilation/windows.html) dates back to 2012.
The last time (around new year, I think) I gave it a try I made the following notes. It was my intention to update the docs, but since I never succeeded that never happened. I believe a lot has happened since then. Note that this was an attempt to build with VS2015. The numbers relate to the numbered steps in the build description:
0. No problem
1. Minor details:
a. There’s no ’gdal-dev’ package at this time in OSGeo4W64.
2. No problem
3. Some problems:
a. mkdir PDAL\build
b. Remember to initialize vsvars32.bat
c. call ./cmake/examples/hobu-windows.bat
d. No CXX and C compiler: Need to make sure that Visual Studio is compiled with C++ libraries!
e. OpenNI missing: PCL plugin needs OpenNI which seems to be needed by PCL. Disable PCL in cmake call.
f. Boost libraries in OSGeo4W64 does not work with VS2015. Most recent boost does not play well with cmake. Boost 1.59 seems to be the best option.
4. Paths missing slashes – e.g. share\proj
a. GDAL_DATA should be set to %OSGeo4W%shareepsg_csv
b. PROJ_LIB should be set to %OSGeo4W%shareproj
And that’s as far as I got at the time. It might not be relevant anymore, but I'm sharing it here in case it helps someone. If I recall correctly there has been some changes with regards to boost, and that was one of my problems at the time.
> -----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
> Fra: pdal [mailto:pdal-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] På vegne af Mateusz Loskot
> Sendt: 30. juni 2016 12:29
> Til: Jérôme Chatillon
> Cc: pdal at lists.osgeo.org
> Emne: Re: [pdal] PDAL 1.2 compilation on Windows
> On 30 June 2016 at 11:49, Jérôme Chatillon
> <j.chatillon at aerodata-surveys.com> wrote:
> >
> >
> > Trying to compile PDAL 1.2
> > (http://download.osgeo.org/pdal/PDAL-1.2.0-src.tar.gz) on Windows, but I
> end
> > up with more than 6000 errors (error C2668: 'std::to_string' : ambiguous
> > call to overloaded function
> > C:\Dev\cpp\libs\PDAL-1.2.0-src\include\pdal\util\Utils.hpp, …).
> For std::to_string specifically, VS2012 is the practical minimum
> (VS2012 implements it for a couple of integers only).
> I'm not sure what is the final concensus of the VS2015+ thread [1]
> but I think you nead at least VS2012/VS2013 to build the latest PDAL.
> [1] https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/pdal/2016-February/000890.html
> Best regards,
> --
> Mateusz Loskot, http://mateusz.loskot.net
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