[pdal] Fwd: Change the pdal container

Helimap Postmaster postmaster at helimap.ch
Tue Mar 15 09:40:14 PDT 2016

Hello all,

This is a follow-up on a discussion started on liblas-devel mailing list
with subject 'How to use a cached reader (c++)'.

The question it has come to is, how can I change the pdal cloud container?
The cloud container, not the point container, that is, the container that
stores all the points.

I've seen that pdal uses a std::set as a container
for the cloud, but std::set doesn't play with the parallel access of an
openmp 2.0 for loop, which can only handle std::vector or std::queue.

Is it possible to re-implement PointView class to use a
std::vector<PointViewPtr>? Is it possible for me to access this vector?

The first simple scenario is that I read the full pointcloud and store it
into a std::vector<PointViewPtr>, then I process each point in parallel in
an openmp for loop, and finally I save the modified std::vector to a new
las file. The process is roughly adding color to each las point.


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