[pgpointcloud] Importing to pgpointcloud

Roger Bedell rbedell at coordinatesolutions.com
Wed Jul 17 06:21:11 PDT 2013

Hello pgpointcloud list!

I am attempting to import a large number of las files. The problem is that
it is extremely slow. Yesterday I talked to Howard Butler, and he said 8
million points should only take a few minutes, but it is instead taking
about 4 hours. He recommended this pipeline xml, with a single cache block
with no size limit.

<Pipeline version="1.0">
  <Writer type="drivers.pgpointcloud.writer">
    <Option name="connection">host='localhost' dbname='LIDAR'
    <Option name="table">NRCS_LIDAR</Option>
    <Option name="srid">4326</Option>
    <Option name="overwrite">false</Option>
    <Filter type="filters.chipper">
      <Option name="capacity">400</Option>
      <Filter type="filters.cache">
        <Option name="max_cache_blocks">1</Option>
        <Filter type="filters.inplacereprojection">
          <Option name="out_srs">EPSG:4326</Option>
          <Option name="offset_x">-104</Option>
          <Option name="offset_y">33</Option>
          <Option name="offset_z">0.0</Option>
          <Option name="scale_x">0.00000001</Option>
          <Option name="scale_y">0.00000001</Option>
          <Option name="scale_z">0.001</Option>
          <Reader type="drivers.las.reader">

The problem is I get this error:

C:\Users\roger>c:\dev\pdal\pcpipeline.exe -i C:\dev\pdal\ImportLASFile.xml
Requested to read 8072702 points
Requested to write 8072702 points
Buffer capacity is 8072702
0Caught exception: bad allocation

Any suggestions?

Roger Bedell
Coordinate Solutions Inc.
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