[pgpointcloud] Overlapping patches

Howard Butler howard at hobu.co
Fri Jan 31 10:52:44 PST 2014

> You should not be getting *any* overlap for single-run chipper calls. Can you describe more completely how you are generating your inserts and coming  up with a 90% overlap value?
> I am reading the las file all at once and specifying it to be split into patches of 400 points before inserting it into pgpointcloud. I have attached an example of pipeline I am running. When I said 90% overlap, it wasn’t any computational, it was mere visual interpretation. I have attached a screenshot which shows various overlapping patch extent generated after the insert of patches from a file. It also shows overlapping points in there as well. I am not quite sure what am I doing wrong here.

So patch 1 and patch 2 were generated by reading the same 110008.las file in the same pipeline? If so, I wonder if your filters.scaling and other options are jiggling your points. Can attempt a pipeline that is just 

drivers.las.reader -> filters.cache -> filters.chipper -> drivers.pgpointcloud.writer

and see if that produces overlapping patches for a single LAS file?

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