[pgpointcloud] how define schema to store double data?

Howard Butler howard at hobu.co
Mon Nov 16 14:17:36 PST 2015

> On Nov 15, 2015, at 7:49 PM, Zhiyong Weng <zhiyong.weng at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
>    I try to store double data like point(-127.12345678, 45.12345678, 124.012345678, 4.012345678), I want keep the full precision.
>    and I define pc:interpretation is double, 
>    but when I get data from db,only get 6 precision double,like this:
> SELECT PC_AsText(PC_MakePoint(8, ARRAY[-127.123456, 45.123456, 124.0123456, 4.0123456]));
> "{"pcid":8,"pt":[-127.123,45.1235,124.012,4.01235]}"
>    How shall I define the schema? Thanks.
>   attached my schema file.

Are you using a PDAL pipeline or something to insert your data? We need more information to be able to help you.


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