[pgpointcloud] ply and laz

Dean.Hand.ctr at nga.mil Dean.Hand.ctr at nga.mil
Fri Sep 25 12:04:36 PDT 2015

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED

Hi Howard,

When trying to pgpointcloud to write as either a ply we're experiencing an issue.  For ply files, the x and y coordinates are only 3 digits in length. I don't see anything in our docs to explain this...

Can you please help?

Dean E. Hand
Image Scientist
NGA | InnoVision |BITC
Phone:  314-676-0899
VOIP:  577-5860
SBU:  dean.hand.ctr at nga.mil
JWICS:  dean.hand at coe.ic.gov

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED

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