[pgpointcloud] stuck getting data into pgpointcloud
Adam Steer
Adam.Steer at anu.edu.au
Thu Jul 21 18:24:28 PDT 2016
Hi Remi, all
Moving on - I realised that my pipeline was not limiting the output of PDAL properly, so I made a new schema to fit all 16 dimensions. It works (with one mismatched data type), for example:
pcbm_pc=> insert into act_points (pt) select pc_makepoint(3, array[692236.790,6094672.340,615.530,93.000,1.000,2.000,1.000,0.000,5.000,-12.000,0.000,601.000,436302.342,0.000,0.000,0.000]) as values;
WARNING: Value -12 truncated to 0 to fit in uint16_t
…where the array of values is a direct copy and paste from pdal translate filename.las stdout | head. And I get the results back as expected:
pcbm_pc=> SELECT PC_AsText(pt) FROM act_points LIMIT 2;
(2 rows)
….but when I try to make a patch, I’m missing something:
pcbm_pc=> select * from act_points limit 1;
id | pt
1 | 010300000048E17A9419202541AE47E10AD23F5741F6285C8FC2E78240590003000300010000000300000000004702736891ED5B401641000000000000
(1 row)
pcbm_pc=> insert into act_patches (pa) values ('010300000048E17A9419202541AE47E10AD23F5741F6285C8FC2E78240590003000300010000000300000000004702736891ED5B401641000000000000');
ERROR: pc_patch_from_wkb: unknown compression '-1803886264' requested
LINE 1: insert into act_patches (pa) values ('010300000048E17A941920…
…which is sort of similar to the message I get back from my PDAL pipeline (?? well, unknown compression vs wkb and data size mismatch)
# pdal pipeline postgis_pc_pipeline.xml
PDAL: ERROR: pc_patch_uncompressed_from_wkb: wkb size and expected data size do not match
LINE 1: INSERT INTO "act_patches" ("pa") VALUES ('010300000000000000...
My schema says:
<Metadata name="compression">none</Metadata>
So - I have an issue creating patches. Again, thanks in advance for any insight!
> On 21 Jul 2016, at 9:06 AM, Adam Steer <Adam.Steer at anu.edu.au> wrote:
> Thanks Rémi,
> I will do some tests and report back. I had not even considered this approach!
> Regards
> Adam
>> On 20 Jul 2016, at 10:04 PM, Rémi Cura <remi.cura at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hey,
>> As you seem to discover this pgpointcloud world,
>> maybe you could do this step by step.
>> First create your point xml schema and test it within the database
>> (meaning creating a random point and patch using it).
>> Then you can use lastool to output a few actual points in text,
>> and manually create pgpoints from these values (casting point to text back to be sure your precision/offset and so is OK).
>> When you are sure everything works, then you can use pdal.
>> Cheers,
>> Rémi-C
>> 2016-07-20 2:52 GMT+02:00 Adam Steer <Adam.Steer at anu.edu.au>:
>> Hi all
>> I am attempting to ingest some points into postGIS-pointcloud, and basically failing at the start:
>> - I want to ingest time,x,y,z,intensity,return number and classification
>> - I’ve used pdal info —schema to get the numeric types, sizes and field names of my .LAS file (v1.4)
>> - I’ve (maybe) built a format schema based on those (see below)
>> - …and used a PDAL pipeline to try to ingest them.
>> but I’ve managed to map something badly - PDAL returns:
>> #> pdal pipeline postgis_pc_pipeline.xml
>> PDAL: ERROR: pc_patch_uncompressed_from_wkb: wkb size and expected data size do not match
>> LINE 1: INSERT INTO "blocks" ("pa") VALUES ('01020000000000000087130...
>> While I’ve worked with points a lot, I’ve not used any clever things like postGIS pointcloud to manage them (because PhD, time, and triage between working with what exists and learning new things) - and now I’m learning on the fly (with a need to learn fast!)
>> PDAL tells me I’m clearly missing something about the relationship between the size of things in my schema, and the size of things PDAL is getting from my .LAS file.
>> Also I’m trying to be lazy - I should probably work out the scales and offsets correctly, and store XYZ as long integers. I wanted to try floating point storage (as real, which if I read correctly should be big enough).
>> Any help will be highly appreciated!
>> Thanks
>> Adam
>> ----
>> Here is my pipeline:
>> # cat postgis_pc_pipeline.xml
>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
>> <Pipeline version="1.0">
>> <Writer type="writers.pgpointcloud">
>> <Option name="connection">host='localhost' dbname=‘….' user=‘….' password=‘….'</Option>
>> <Option name="table">blocks</Option>
>> <Option name="srid">28355</Option>
>> <Option name="pcid">2</Option>
>> <Filter type="filters.chipper">
>> <Option name="capacity">5000</Option>
>> <Reader type="readers.las">
>> <Option name="filename">./subsets/ACT2015-C3-ELL_6926094_55_0002_0002_7_12.las</Option>
>> <Option name="spatialreference">EPSG:28355</Option>
>> </Reader>
>> </Filter>
>> </Writer>
>> </Pipeline>
>> (notes here - should I use a filter to get *just* the fields I want - or does PDAL handle extracting only what exists in the schema?)
>> …and my schema SQL:
>> INSERT INTO pointcloud_formats (pcid, srid, schema) VALUES (2, 28335,
>> '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>> <pc:PointCloudSchema xmlns:pc="http://pointcloud.org/schemas/PC/1.1"
>> xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
>> <pc:dimension>
>> <pc:position>1</pc:position>
>> <pc:size>8</pc:size>
>> <pc:description>Time as seconds of GPS week, as real
>> </pc:description>
>> <pc:name>T</pc:name>
>> <pc:interpretation>real</pc:interpretation>
>> <pc:scale>1</pc:scale>
>> </pc:dimension>
>> <pc:dimension>
>> <pc:position>2</pc:position>
>> <pc:size>8</pc:size>
>> <pc:description>X coordinate as real.</pc:description>
>> <pc:name>X</pc:name>
>> <pc:interpretation>real</pc:interpretation>
>> <pc:scale>1</pc:scale>
>> </pc:dimension>
>> <pc:dimension>
>> <pc:position>3</pc:position>
>> <pc:size>8</pc:size>
>> <pc:description>Y coordinate as real</pc:description>
>> <pc:name>Y</pc:name>
>> <pc:interpretation>real</pc:interpretation>
>> <pc:scale>1</pc:scale>
>> </pc:dimension>
>> <pc:dimension>
>> <pc:position>4</pc:position>
>> <pc:size>8</pc:size>
>> <pc:description>Z coordinate is ellipsoidal height as real
>> </pc:description>
>> <pc:name>Z</pc:name>
>> <pc:interpretation>real</pc:interpretation>
>> <pc:scale>1</pc:scale>
>> </pc:dimension>
>> <pc:dimension>
>> <pc:position>5</pc:position>
>> <pc:size>6</pc:size>
>> <pc:description>The intensity value is the integer representation
>> of the pulse return magnitude. This value is optional
>> and system specific. However, it should always be
>> included if available.</pc:description>
>> <pc:name>Intensity</pc:name>
>> <pc:interpretation>uint16_t</pc:interpretation>
>> <pc:scale>1</pc:scale>
>> </pc:dimension>
>> <pc:dimension>
>> <pc:position>6</pc:position>
>> <pc:size>1</pc:size>
>> <pc:description>Return number</pc:description>
>> <pc:name>ReturnNumber</pc:name>
>> <pc:interpretation>uint16_t</pc:interpretation>
>> <pc:scale>1</pc:scale>
>> </pc:dimension>
>> <pc:dimension>
>> <pc:position>7</pc:position>
>> <pc:size>1</pc:size>
>> <pc:description>Classification if supplied (ASPRS LAS guidelines)</pc:description>
>> <pc:name>Class</pc:name>
>> <pc:interpretation>uint16_t</pc:interpretation>
>> <pc:scale>1</pc:scale>
>> </pc:dimension>
>> <pc:metadata>
>> <Metadata name="compression">dimensional</Metadata>
>> </pc:metadata>
>> </pc:PointCloudSchema>');
>> --
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