[pgpointcloud] stuck getting data into pgpointcloud

Adam Steer Adam.Steer at anu.edu.au
Sun Jul 24 19:33:31 PDT 2016

Hi Rémi

> Are you sure you use pc_patch(your set of points) before inserting anything?
> It does not look to be the cas ein your sql example.

For my manual example, no. This would explain the wrong wkb size!

However, in the PDAL pipeline I just followed what examples I can find and assume PDAL handles conversion to patches.

As mentioned, If I don’t pre set a PCID, I can ingest data. The invented schema has all the (16) data fields in my .LAS files, but you need to read the schema to figure out where everything gets put.

I wonder, if I pre-determine the PCID in the PDAL pipeline -  should I use the ‘SQL before’ option in PDAL’s pipeline to convert points to patches? I haven’t tried to test this yet.

…now on to the next part! how to select points by classification from postgis-pointcloud. I better work on my SQL skills (among others)

Thanks again

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