[pgpointcloud] pointcloud version and variant

Regina Obe lr at pcorp.us
Wed Apr 25 07:21:31 PDT 2018



It's not built with GHT or LAZPERF.  It's built with the bare minimum


I've had issues building the latest versions of pgpointcloud so it's pretty
old.  Then again pgpointcloud hasn't been updated for some time.


The pointcloud_postgis-1.0.sql is what is packaged with the latest version
so you are probably running the newest pointcloud_postgis extension.


LAZ support was something I was going to add once I revisited the issue as I
think the issue I recall is more the Laz tests failing which always seem to
be included these days even if you aren't building with LAZ.  Perhaps
rebuilding WITH_TESTS=FALSE I might be able to get past that and at least be
sure the binaries are the latest.


I'll try to revisit this this week and try to build with the newest head
which is dated in Aug 2017 and also include the git hash code in a
version.txt zip file.



Adding a helper function that details the version of things and git version
(similar to what PostGIS and pgRouting have) would probably be a great
addition and something to put in a request ticket for in the pgpointcloud
issue tracker.


I have added such a request.









From: pgpointcloud [mailto:pgpointcloud-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf
Of Lars
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2018 9:38 AM
To: Éric Lemoine <eric.lemoine at oslandia.com>; Paul Ramsey
<pramsey at cleverelephant.ca>
Cc: pgpointcloud at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [pgpointcloud] pointcloud version and variant


Thank you for the feedback.


The source of the current bundle95x64_2.3.0.1 is unknown.


The http://postgis.net/windows_downloads/ contains PostGIS 2.3.7 and 2.4.4
installer which both includes pgpointcloud 1.1.0 (dev). Does pgpointcloud
component contain both pointcloud and pointcloud_postgis extensions? What
does the version "1.1.0 (dev)" mean in reference to the version numbers used
by the extensions?


It would be really nice if pgpointcloud could contain more detailed
information about build options (GHT/LAZPERF) and git commit id for each


kind regards, Lars



Fra: Éric Lemoine <eric.lemoine at oslandia.com
<mailto:eric.lemoine at oslandia.com> >
Sendt: 25. april 2018 14:05
Til: Lars; Paul Ramsey
Kopi: pgpointcloud at lists.osgeo.org <mailto:pgpointcloud at lists.osgeo.org> 
Emne: Re: [pgpointcloud] pointcloud version and variant 


On Wed, 2018-04-25 at 11:09 +0000, Lars wrote:
> Wow that was a quick response, thank you.
> Must admit I do not know much about the difference between pointcloud
> and pointcloud_postgis. I just installed the bundle mentioned in the
> original post. Should pointcloud and pointcloud_postgis always have
> the same version or is there some kind of compatibility issue?

Actually pointcloud and pointcloud_postgis are separate extensions, and
their versionning is also separate. I would agree that this is very
confusing and it that it should be changed.

Anyway your problem is not related to this version mismatch. Most
probably you're using Pointcloud code that just doesn't have the
PC_EnvelopeGeometry function. Where did you get bundle95x64_2.3.0.1
from? Is this the most recent bundle you can get?

PC_EnvelopeGeometry is mentioned in the Pointcloud README file on
GitHub because that README file corresponds to the latest code in the
master branch. It's just the way it is right now. Pointcloud doesn't
provide a versionned documentation.

I think we really need to create a new official release of Pointcloud,
and see if the people taking care of Windows builds/bundles can package it


Éric Lemoine
+33 1 86 95 95 55

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