[pgpointcloud] Patch min and max
Rémi Cura
remi.cura at gmail.com
Thu Jun 7 06:17:22 PDT 2018
If you want to stick with the architecture you have,
you could maybe try ' PC_PatchMin(p pcpatch), and PC_PatchMax(p pcpatch) '
(one call, in the from line).
Not sure you are going to gain much.
, PC_Get(pamin,'x')
, PC_Get(pamax,'x')
, PC_Get(pamin,'y')
, PC_Get(pamax,'y')
FROM importdata, PC_PatchMin(pa) as pamin, PC_PatchMax(pa) as pamax ;
2018-06-05 18:37 GMT-04:00 Rémi Cura <remi.cura at gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> just a quick 2 cents.
> Index are not going to help because you read the full table, thus no index
> is used.
> There are many parameters that can affect the speed of this query
> (just for fun, there is a whole wiki page on postgres to explain what
> information to provide for "slow query" questions.)
> On of this parameter is the version of pgpointcloud you are using.
> Another is the max size of a row, because basically you patch is mainly
> stored in the postgres TOAST table,
> only the beginning is stored in the actual row of your table.
> (by the way, TOAST compression should be de-activated on this table).
> Bottom line is, even when using toast, you are trying to access
> 8KB (one row) * 50k (nb of rows), that is about 400 MB (worse case
> scenario), it is going to take time.
> By the way 1.5sec for 50k rows, and 5sec for 160k rows seems like very
> nice scaling to me (linear).
> A good solution (depending on your workflow), would be to use a
> "proxy/miror/shadow" table
> that mirrors the one with patch.
> In proxy table, you would maintain (with triggers for instance) one row
> per patch in your patch table,
> and you would store all kind of useful statistics,
> such as bounding boxes (min max etc, ), geom cast to postgis, number of
> points, etc etc.
> This proxy table should also be heavily indexed;
> I used this approach on Billion-range point cloud without trouble.
> Cheers,
> Remi-C
> 2018-06-01 8:17 GMT-04:00 Lars <laasunde at hotmail.com>:
>> The query being used is "select id, PC_PatchMin(pa, 'x'), PC_PatchMax(pa,
>> 'x'),PC_PatchMin(pa, 'y'), PC_PatchMax(pa, 'y') from importdata;".
>> This information is used to make bounding boxes for *all patches* in a
>> table. There is no where clause in our query, we want all rows. Does the
>> index expression help "pre-compute" the PC_PatchMin/Max values for quicker
>> access or does it only work when using a where clause?
>> ------------------------------
>> *Fra:* Karl Pietrzak <kap4020 at gmail.com>
>> *Sendt:* fredag 1. juni 2018 12.44
>> *Til:* laasunde at hotmail.com
>> *Kopi:* pgpointcloud at lists.osgeo.org
>> *Emne:* Re: [pgpointcloud] Patch min and max
>> Based on the "Seq Scan on public.importdata", it doesn't look like the
>> index is being used. :(
>> It's almost impossible to replicate this, because we don't have any
>> specifics. If you could show us the exact, complete statements you used to
>> create the table, create the index, etc. and the SELECT you are doing, that
>> would be very helpful.
>> On Fri, Jun 1, 2018 at 4:10 AM Lars <laasunde at hotmail.com> wrote:
>> Karl,
>> Interesting proposal.
>> The inital tests did however *not *yield any improved performance.
>> The table index is described like this (\d+ importdata)
>> "patch_min_max_idx" btree (pc_patchmin(pa, 'x'::text), pc_patchmax(pa,
>> 'x'::text),pc_patchmin(pa, 'y'::text), pc_patchmax(pa, 'y'::text))
>> The explain query looks like this;
>> Seq Scan on public.importdata (cost=0.00..1402.50 rows=52321 width=132)
>> (actual time=3.063..1546.160 rows=52321 loops=1)
>> Output: id, _pc_patchstat(pa, 0, 'x'::text), _pc_patchstat(pa, 0,
>> 'y'::text), _pc_patchstat(pa, 1, 'x'::text), _pc_patchstat(pa, 1, 'y'::text)
>> Buffers: shared hit=795053 read=57146
>> Planning time= 0.600ms
>> Execution time= 1548.494 ms
>> (5 rows)
>> The "analyze importdata" command has also been invoked but did not make
>> any difference.
>> Any ideas on why the expression does not improve performance? Viewing the
>> explain output I notice "_pc_patchstat" which make me think that the query
>> is using the index but it might be wishfull thinking on my part.
>> Kind regards, Lars
>> ------------------------------
>> *Fra:* Karl Pietrzak <kap4020 at gmail.com>
>> *Sendt:* 31. mai 2018 17:18
>> *Til:* laasunde at hotmail.com
>> *Kopi:* pgpointcloud at lists.osgeo.org
>> *Emne:* Re: [pgpointcloud] Patch min and max
>> Postgres supports indices on expressions. https://www.postgresql.org/do
>> cs/current/static/indexes-expressional.html
>> Would this feature support your use case?
>> Something like this:
>> CREATE INDEX patch_min_and_max_idx ON importdata (PC_PatchMin(pa, 'x'), PC_PatchMax(pa, 'x'),PC_PatchMin(pa, 'y'), PC_PatchMax(pa, 'y'));
>> On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 9:46 AM Lars <laasunde at hotmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> The below query takes 1,46 seconds using table with 50 000 patches and at
>> least 5 seconds using table with 160 000 patches.
>> "select id, PC_PatchMin(pa, 'x'), PC_PatchMax(pa, 'x'),PC_PatchMin(pa,
>> 'y'), PC_PatchMax(pa, 'y') from importdata;"
>> The table size has a significant effect on the query execution speed
>> which means the query does not scale well.
>> How can we make the query more scalable and/or improve query performance?
>> One approach is to create an additional table that contains min/max
>> values for each patch to prevent the "expensive" PC_PatchXXX function. This
>> is obviously duplicate information that adds complexity to the system.
>> Using Windows 10 and PostgreSQL 10.3
>> Kind regard, Lars
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>> --
>> Karl
>> --
>> Karl
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