[pgpointcloud] Patch memsize and asbinary

Mathieu Bredif Mathieu.Bredif at ign.fr
Tue Sep 18 04:47:03 PDT 2018


> How can I determine the amount of memory a pcpatch uses (and possible pcpoint)? Basically the ST_MemSize for pointcloud data.

The consistently-named PC_MemSize function should do what you expect but does not seem to be documented. Would you mind filing a PR to document it ?

> How can I view pcpatch binary data? The PC_AsBinary works well for pcpoints but it would be nice to have similar for pcpatch.

There is currently no PC_AsBinary(p pcpatch) function but you can see the patch bounding box with PC_BoundingDiagonalAsBinary(p pcpatch) and PC_EnvelopeAsBinary(p pcpatch).
It would however not be too difficult to write a PC_MultiPointAsBinary(p pcpatch) SQL function either by:
- exploding the patches, converting with PC_AsBinary(p pcpoint) and aggregating a multipoint geometry
- or coding C functions pcpatch_multipoint_as_bytea and pc_patch_to_geometry_wkb_multipoint (taking example on the *enveloppe* functions)
What is your use case ? Do you want to export a patch as a postgis multipoint ?


De : pgpointcloud [pgpointcloud-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] de la part de Lars [laasunde at hotmail.com]
Envoyé : mardi 18 septembre 2018 11:55
À : pgpointcloud at lists.osgeo.org
Objet : [pgpointcloud] Patch memsize and asbinary


How can I determine the amount of memory a pcpatch uses (and possible pcpoint)? Basically the ST_MemSize for pointcloud data.

How can I view pcpatch binary data? The PC_AsBinary works well for pcpoints but it would be nice to have similar for pcpatch.

kind regards, Lars

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