[pgrouting-dev] Some ideas for upcoming GSoC

Venkatesh Raghavan raghavan at media.osaka-cu.ac.jp
Thu Feb 16 00:52:46 EST 2012

Dear All,

As most of you must be aware, the

Google Summer of Code 2012 has been announced [1,2]

Some ideas that comes to my mind are

1) Implementing of map-matching algorithms as of the pgRouting function.
Python code for the algorithms that we implemented in 2010
(See http://cs-test.ias.ac.in/cs/Downloads/article_45523.pdf) could be
made available and the main work would be to integrate/improve
them for implementation as pgRouting and/or SORouting (see item 2

2) Implementing routing as a service. a) Use Web Feature Service (WFS) as
input b) implement routing functions as Web Processing Service (WPS) c) 
routing result as WFS. That would be SORouting (Service Oriented Routing 
of pgRouting. Since I am also a ZOO-Project (www.zoo-project.org) PSC member
which is a OGC compliant open-source WPS implementation, I would take this
opportunity to promote the use of ZOO for implementing SORouting.

3) Route selection based on multi-criteria decision model to enable 
route selection based on conditions at the destination. For example, 
route to
the nearest hospital depending not only upon road conditions but also
conditions at several destination hospitals (bed availability, 
availability of
medicare specialists, availability of ICU etc). The condition of destination
could be implemented using the OGC SOS standard.
Regarding multi-criteria decision using AHP (analytical hierarchy process).
There are several literature available [3],[4]. My student Sittichai 
(who writes
on the pgRouting users list) has already started some work and could
perhaps take up the work if he finds a mentor.


P.S. Also Cc to ZOO-PSC since there may be some mentors there to help
with the WPS implementation for SORouting
Prof. Venkatesh Raghavan
Osaka City University

[3] http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/freeabs_all.jsp?arnumber=5567840
[4] http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13658810601135692#preview

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