[pgrouting-dev] postgis2 and driving distance

Daniel Kastl daniel at georepublic.de
Wed Jun 20 01:36:15 PDT 2012

Hi Mario,

I think there is a lot to cleanup. But if you start with devel-2_0 branch
probably some work has been done already.
The MULTILINESTRING probably come from pgDijkstra already. I think
MULTILINESTRING is the default geometry type when you run shp2pgsql.

I sent your previous post to the list also to Carsten, the author of
osm2po, and he will care about it, he said. It's better (and also correct
IMO) to require LINESTRING as geometry type. PostGIS 2.0 also provides
topology functions. It's better to be more strict with this geometry stuff.
I'm not sure how difficult it is to change the geometry type of a geometry
column, but for a routing network we can (must) assume that all features
are LINESTRING. Maybe we can provide a function or script to transform

> Actually I find this inconsistent since some sql files get the srid
> via the above method while others it gets it from the geometry_column
> metadata table. Either or is fine though except the latter assumes a
> 'the_geom' geometry column.

I don't know which is better ...

> osm2po names its geometry column as 'geom_way' so there is a renaming
> that has to be done.

You can just modify the "PgRoutingWriter" plugin:

Usually I renamed the columns as I need them with a VIEW.

Btw, if you're already looking through the source files, another issues
that might not be consistent, is support for "schema".
When I installed PostGIS 2.0 recently I saw that there is a "topology"
schema that contains all functions. So it's very easy to maintain, drop and
update. I like it and it could be nice to have a "pgrouting" schema as well.
Then we don't need something like this:


Georepublic UG & Georepublic Japan
eMail: daniel.kastl at georepublic.de
Web: http://georepublic.de
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