[pgrouting-dev] pgRouting and the Shortest Path Shooting Star algorithm

Espen O espoern at hotmail.com
Wed Mar 7 08:39:33 EST 2012

We are very interested in version 1.03/1.05 of pgRouting and the Shortest Path Shooting Star algorithm. However, there is a problem with way restrictions in shooting star if there is more than one rule for an edge. It also doesn’t seem to take into account the reverse cost. We are interested in fixing these bugs.
Stephen Woodbridge has developed an alternative “turn_restricted_shortest_path” which is very promising. We have tested the Windows version compiled by Sanak (2012/03/04), but it is very unstable and seems to return inconsistent answers when running the same input data multiple times.
We are working on Windows 2008 server 32 bit, not Linux. Is there anyone who can give us the detailed setup for compiling on Windows (pgRouting 1.03 2010/01/30 by Martin is the most stable we have tested) so we can start to debug the source code? We have tried Sanaks recipe (/sanak/pgrouting/blob/master/BUILD.msvc90), but we get a lot of errors (Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition and the required libraries).
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