[pgrouting-dev] Problems in Installing pgrouting

Jinfu Leng logicnut at gmail.com
Fri May 18 22:12:59 EDT 2012

Hey Steve,

Thanks for your help. It, finally, works. Right now I am trying to use some
test data to learn how to use it. I will let you know once I have some


On Fri, May 18, 2012 at 4:45 AM, Stephen Woodbridge <woodbri at swoodbridge.com
> wrote:

> On 5/17/2012 4:31 PM, Jinfu Leng wrote:
>> Hey,
>> I am trying to install pgrouting, but get some problems:
>> When I was running this command "cmake -DWITH_TSP=ON -DWITH_DD=ON", I
>> get the error messages said "GAUL" and "Postgresql" are required. Then I
>> tried to install "GAUL", and get the message that "s-lang" is required.
>> I downloaded the source code of "s-lang", but did not figure out how to
>> install it. I also checked "synaptic package manager", and found that
>> "postgresql-8.4" was already existed.
>> I am using Ubuntu 10.04, 64 bits.
> Ok, you need to install some of the dev packages.
> sudo apt-get install postgresql-server-dev-8.4
> sudo apt-get install libslang2 libslang2-dev
> You can use apt-cache search <string> to search for packages based on
> <string> eg: apt-cache search slang
> -Steve
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