[pgrouting-dev] Problems in Importing .osm to Database

Dave Potts dave.potts at pinan.co.uk
Tue May 29 23:34:49 PDT 2012


>From the text of the error message, it appears your having a problem
connecting to your database, its not a pgroute package error but rather a
postgres error.

What happens if you try

psql -d routing -U postgres

This should connect directly to your database without using any of the
routing software.

Jinfu Leng wrote:
> Hello all,
> I created the database "routing" from the "template_routing", and
> downloaded the .osm file of London. But I got a problem when I was trying
> yo import this .osm file to the database.
> command:
> "osm2pgrouting -file "London.osm" -conf
> "/usr/share/osm2pgrouting/mapconfig.xml" -dbname routing -user postgres
> -clean"
> error message:
> "connection failed"
> Any ideas?
> Thanks a advance.
> Jinfu
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