[pgrouting-dev] pgRouting 2.0 Update

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Wed Mar 13 15:51:44 PDT 2013

On 3/13/2013 6:12 PM, Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
> Hi all,
> I just pushed today's changes into my branch and only have run the build
> on Linux, but I in theory have it coded to install as an extension or
> not on pre postgresql 9.1.
> None of the SQL code has been changed yet, so you should be able to do a
> create extension to install it, it will probably fail because of
> function names and stuff like that.
> My next steps are:
> * pull it back to mingw and see what breaks there and fix that
> * install it on my postgresql 8.3/8.4 and see if it works there
> * if it does, I'll create TAG or branch to keep a stable version at that
> state
> * start looking into the issues of running it with postgis 2.x and pg9.2

A couple of points for anyone that wants to play with this. The first 
being don't expect too much this is still a work in progress and has not 
been tested.

git clone git at github.com:pgRouting/pgrouting.git
cd pgrouting

# this requires cmake version 2.8.10

# assuming everything worked with out any issues you can see
# the install targets here

ls lib
librouting_dd.so  librouting_tsp.so     pgrouting--1.0.7.sql.in  README
librouting.so     pgrouting--1.0.7.sql  pgrouting.control

# make install will place *.so into pg_config --pkglibdir
# and *.{sql,control} will get placed in either:
# `pg_config --sharedir`/extension/  >= pg 9.1
# or /usr/share/pgrouting/            < pg 9.1

sudo make install

Have fun,

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