[pgrouting-dev] [pgr_2.0] What is add_vertices_geometry(geom_table) use for?

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Thu Mar 21 12:08:29 PDT 2013

Hi all,

I am review the existing pgRouting SQL functions and in 
routing_core_wrappers.sql we have a function:


I don't see it referenced anywhere so I assume this is some utility 
function that somebody added for some purpose.

Any objections to removing this?

My goal here is the following:

1. review and decruft existing SQL
2. relocate functions into the folders that they belong to
3. refactor the code and/or standardize function calling arguments
4. add pgr_ prefixes to all the pgRouting functions
5. add comments and documentation to the SQL


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