[pgrouting-dev] Proposal to clean up function signatures in pgRouting 2.0

Daniel Kastl daniel at georepublic.de
Thu May 2 18:08:36 PDT 2013

> My goal is to try and map most of the various shortest path functions to a
> template something like:
> func_name(
>     table_name, -- table or view name
>     start_id,   -- edge or vertix id, for trsp this could be [id, pos,]
>     target_id,  -- edge or vertix id, for trsp this could be [id, pos,]
>     delta,      -- *amount to expand an implied bbox
>     directed,   -- *is the graph directed?
>     has_rcost)  -- *does the table have reverse_cost column?
> * these items would be optional

Hi Steve,

The template above would be for the "wrapper" functions, right? The "core"
functions usually have an "sql" statement as first parameter".
I like the idea to use function overloading, so one function name allows
a different number of parameters.

There are quite a few functions with extra long names, and I would either
try to make them shorter or drop them completely, if they are not really

What about making a Google Docs spreadsheet to be able to add comments
directly to the list?


> In the spreadsheet under the library column, the blanks represent wrapper
> function, the lib* entries are the low level SQL wrappers to the C code and
> legacy stuff I threw into the what will become the legacy file.
> Thoughts and feedback are welcome.
> -Steve
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Georepublic UG & Georepublic Japan
eMail: daniel.kastl at georepublic.de
Web: http://georepublic.de
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