[pgrouting-dev] pgRouting 2.0 using OSX homebrew

Alec Gosse alec at thegosses.com
Wed May 8 19:01:02 PDT 2013


The pull request I submitted puts these files in the lib directory:
librouting.so            librouting_dd.so         librouting_tsp.a 
librouting_bd.so         librouting_ksp.a

Cmake clearly thinks that tsp and ksp should be built as static libraries, while it calls the others shared modules, but I couldn't figure out what gave it this idea. I just checked on my linux machine, and it's doing the same thing there, so it doesn't seem to be mac-specific.


On May 8, 2013, at 8:14 PM, Stephen Woodbridge <woodbri at swoodbridge.com> wrote:

> On 5/8/2013 7:49 PM, sanak wrote:
>> Hi Alec,
>> Thanks for your pull request!
> I'm merging the pull request and will push it shortly.
> I have one question, does anyone know what the commented out code is supposed to do? IE: why is there in the first place? Commenting it out seems to be OK on Linux.
> I google about but could not find an answer regarding why its there and I don't know C++. I suppose I could ask on the boost list if no one knows.
>> 2013/5/9 Alec Gosse <alec at thegosses.com <mailto:alec at thegosses.com>>
>>    Thank you all for your guidance. I've submitted a pull request for
>>    my changes. As I noted in the text of the request, librouting_tsp
>>    and librouting_ksp are being built as static rather than dynamic
>>    libraries, so make install fails since they have the extension .a
>>    rather than .so. Any thoughts on this would be most appreciated.
>>    The only other trouble I've run across is a very long list of
>>    warnings like this while compiling:
>>    /usr/local/src/pgrouting/src/driving_distance/src/drivedist.c:220:34: warning:
>>    use of GNU old-style field designator extension [-Wgnu-designator]
>>       edge_columns_t edge_columns = {id: -1, source: -1, target: -1,
> Before we #ifdef about this, it seems that there might be a better way to do this initialization, ie: NOT using the GNU old-style field designator extension but rather an ANSI C way of doing this.
> I'll take a stab at it but if anyone knows how to change these please do a pull request.
> Hi Alec,
> So your pull request is generating *.a and not *.so, is this correct?
> Thanks,
>  -Steve
>> I guess that above warning cause is Clang(LLVM)'s g++ compatibility,
>> so, more custom CMake settings may be necessary.
>> I will check about it in this weekend (or later).
>> Thanks,
>> Sanak
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