[pgrouting-dev] New TSP API

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Sun May 19 06:16:14 PDT 2013

Hi Dave, et al,

One of the stumbling blocks I have have had with creating a new API for 
TSP is how we should pass the distance matrix. So I have been thinking 
of something like this:

select * from pgr_tsp(matrix <type>, num integer, start integer);

The matrix type could be text for a SQL query that would return num rows 
of num float8 or it could be float8[][] that is [num][num] elements. And 
I support with a little extra work I could support both of these.

I'm not interested in computing the distance matrix because I will not 
be able to do it "right" for any given use case and it limits how people 
can use the function.



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