[pgrouting-dev] Windows Builds for 2.0

sanak geosanak at gmail.com
Fri May 31 05:21:46 PDT 2013

Hi list,

In last year, I had been providing pgRouting Windows build.
But in this year, I couldn't provide new pg version(>=9.2), because I was
busy with some projects.

I am planning to start to follow new upstream 1.x/2.0 structure in my
"pgrouting4w" fork after 2 weeks.
And I will delete my "mingw" branch because it has been already merged to
and improved. (Thanks, Steve!)

I will maintain my "pgrouting4w" fork for only Windows MSVC(x86/x64) build,
because it is still useful just for my debug purpose.


2013/5/31 Stephen Woodbridge <woodbri at swoodbridge.com>

> Hi all,
> Re-posting under appropriate subject line.
> We now have an automated Windows build system working on the postGIS
> build-bot. This is very cool because it builds and tests for multiple
> versions of Postgresql, PostGIS, and pgRouting.
> And it builds every time we check in code!
> Look here for downloads:
> http://winnie.postgis.net/**download/windows/pg92/**buildbot/<http://winnie.postgis.net/download/windows/pg92/buildbot/>
> http://www.postgis.net/**windows_downloads<http://www.postgis.net/windows_downloads>
> For documentation you can check out these links:
> http://docs.pgrouting.org/dev/**doc/index.html<http://docs.pgrouting.org/dev/doc/index.html>
> http://imaptools.com:8081/**pgr2-doc/doc/index.html<http://imaptools.com:8081/pgr2-doc/doc/index.html>
> The first is Daniel's offical pgrouting doc pages and is updated when he
> pushes new doc and the second link is mine that updated every time I do a
> build in my dev environment.
> If you need 1.x builds, Raffaello has offered his, Sanak has been doing
> builds for some time.
> Thanks,
>   -Steve
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