[pgrouting-dev] Finally getting back to integrating your TRSP improvements

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Sun Apr 13 06:36:54 PDT 2014

So a couple of more thoughts on refactoring TRSP. I think we can get 
away with having just two C wrapper functions:

1) to handle node input
2) to handle edge input

I think everything else can be handled as options in the plpgsql 
wrappers like:

a) input is always an array of nodes or edges
    we can take two node arguments and create an array in psql wrapper
    likewise for the start and end edge function

b) we can add an argument mode=n, where
    0 - point to point
    1 - one to many
    2 - many to many

c) it might be useful to have an option costonly if you only want the 
cost and not all the edge info

d) restrictions are optional and can be passed as null if none

The only issue with this is that we currently return different result 
types if we are returning a single route versus returning multiple 
routes in the result. I think we can deal with this by always returning 
the multiple results structure from the C code and filtering the column 
out in the plpgsql wrapper function to support the existing functions

My goal is to minimize code duplication and to simplify the lower level 
code for consistency, supportability, and testing. Long term we might 
deprecate some of the plpgsql wrapper functions to simplify the 
documentation and to make it easier to work with.

Thoughts and input are welcome. I'm still in the planning stage for this 
but will short start coding something ;)


On 4/12/2014 8:28 PM, Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
> Hi Roni,
> I hope you and your family are doing well.
> I am well but have been very busy. I'm between some contracts at the
> moment and I am looking at the TRSP improvements you did quite a ways
> back to add the reverse cost and routing from nodes A-B-C-...
> Looking at multi_dijkstra it seems that I should be able to mimic that
> code based on how you clean up after each route A-B to restart for B-C
> and create a similar function that computes one to many destinations,
> A-B, A-C, A-D, etc.
> What do you think?
> So for integrating this code, I probably need to implement a family of
> additional functions like:
> Existing functions:
> pgr_trsp(text, integer, integer, boolean, boolean)
> -- node to node
> pgr_trsp(text, integer, integer, boolean, boolean, text)
> -- node to node with restrictions
> pgr_trsp(text, integer, double precision, integer, double precision,
> boolean, boolean)
> -- edge to edge
> pgr_trsp(text, integer, double precision, integer, double precision,
> boolean, boolean, text)
> -- edge to edge with restrictions
> pgr_trsp(text, integer[], boolean, boolean, text)
> -- array of nodes **this gets changed to use new code (1)**
> pgr_trsp(text, integer[], float8[], boolean, boolean, text)
> -- array of edges **this gets changed to use new code (2)**
> (1) should plug directly into your code. I currently do this in C by
> calling your old code multiple times, but it will be more efficient to
> change this to call multi_dijkstra because we only build the graph once.
> (2) I currently do this in C by making multiple calls to your old code.
> The multi_dijkstra only accepts nodes, not edges, so I'll look at making
> a version that can be called by edges. Unless you want to do that :)
> Then I think I would like to add a new argument to (1) and (2) above
> "boolean onetomany" and if it is true then we compute A-B, A-C, A-D, ...
> and if it is false it will compute A-B-C-...
> I'll have to think about how to return the results, but that should not
> be too hard.
> 1. create function to support multi_dijkstra with edges
> 2. create new function onetomany_dijkstra for nodes
> 3. create new function onetomany_dijkstra for edges
> 4. update C code wrappers to support the above
> 5. develop test cases
> 6. write the documentation
> 7. check it in
> Ok that is a bunch of work! Maybe I'll start with just getting (1) done
> so it calls your new code, and write a test case for that. Then tackle
> the rest.
> Thoughts?
> -Steve
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