[pgrouting-dev] Problems testing VRP

Razequl Islam ziboncsedu at gmail.com
Tue Apr 29 20:50:14 PDT 2014

Hi Steve,
It is nice to hear that finally the vrp-basic is getting merged. I have may
thesis defense ahead. I hope I will be free within next three weeks. I will
have look at the issues regarding vrp then. Also, I remember some error
checking and some improvement was pending.

- Razequl

On Fri, Apr 25, 2014 at 3:44 AM, Stephen Woodbridge <woodbri at swoodbridge.com
> wrote:

> Hi Razequl,
> I am trying to merge your gsoc-vrp branch into develop and it seems to
> have come over without a problem, except I'm having a problem creating a
> repeatable test case for our test tools.
> I need a way to create a test case that will always return the same result
> for the same input.
> Things I have tried so far are:
> 1. set seed for the random number generator. Although rand() starts with a
> a seed of 1 so I'm not sure it matters but in CVRPSolver::getSolution() I
> have added srand(1726354); but this does not help.
> 2. in the test sql I changed it to:
> select * from pgr_vrpOneDepot(
>     'select * from vrp_orders order by id'::text,
>     'select * from vrp_vehicles order by vehicle_id'::text,
>     'select * from vrp_distance order by src_id, dest_id'::text,
>     1 ) ORDER BY vid, opos;
> So I order the inputs and the outputs so there is not chance that the
> queries to fetch data get loaded in a different order ot that the results
> re ordered differently.
> Obviously there is some other randomness in the TABU search that is not
> obvious to me.
> Can you help me understand this and point out how I might be able to get
> this to work to return consistent results from run to run?
> Best regards and many thanks if you can help,
>   -Steve
> PS: I hope you are doing well. We just got 2 new students approved for
> GSoC again this year. I hope you will stop by the list and say how when you
> have some free time and let us know what you are doing these days.
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