[pgrouting-dev] Implementing Pickup and Delivery Problem for pgRouting

Manikanta Kondeti mani.iiit123 at gmail.com
Sun Jul 6 04:35:22 PDT 2014

Hi all,

This is Manikanta. I'm a GSoC student implementing VRP-Pickup and Delivery
problem for pgRouting. After reading many resources I had planned to solve
the problem in two main steps.
          1.) *Getting Initial Feasible Solution*
          2.) *Optimizing the initial solution using TABU search *

So according to the plan I had done first step i.e getting initial
solution.  Both my mentors helped me in solving the issues I faced. I just
want to inform this  in the developers list and get some

Here is the* link* to source code I've written:

*How to run: *
compile:   g++ pdp.cpp -o pdp
execute:   ./pdp < <input_file>

*Sample Test Cases:*
There are two directories which contain input files and corresponding
output files.

*Wiki: *

Suggestions are welcome. The two steps are for solving the problem, there
is a big task left after that, i.e.. integrating into pgRouting.

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