[pgrouting-dev] Error within pgr_kdijkstraPath

Michael Wimmer michael.wimmer at salzburgresearch.at
Fri Jun 12 04:12:44 PDT 2015


I'm developing on a routing application which should route from 45.000
source nodes to several target nodes. Considering performance issues I
tried to use the pgr_kdijkstraPath function. It works really fast but
obviously there is a bug when calculating paths from several source nodes.

I tested with 1 source node and 2 target nodes. Result looks valid.
Then I increased the number of source nodes up to 100 and found out that
the target nodes in the result set wheren't 2 but 190! The function
internally decreased the node IDs.

This is the source:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.kdijkstra(in_from_node_id int,
in_to_node_ids int[]) RETURNS void AS $$


	INSERT INTO paths (seq, from_node_id, to_node_id, via_node_id, edge, cost)
	SELECT di.seq, in_from_node_id, di.id1, di.id2, di.id3, di.cost
	FROM pgr_kdijkstraPath (
		'SELECT id, source, target, cost, reverse_cost FROM osm_2po_4pgr',
		in_from_node_id, in_to_node_ids, true, true
	) AS di
	ORDER BY seq;	
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

The function has been called 100 times (100 source node IDs) each with
the target node IDs 29730 and 60778. The result is valid for the first 7
calls, on call number 8 the target node IDs has been decreased and so on.

Here are all target node IDs found in the result set:



It looks like a bug, doesn't it?
Please help...


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