[pgrouting-dev] GSoC 2020 Coding Period Report Week 7

Himanshu Raj raj.himanshu2 at gmail.com
Sun Jul 19 01:06:04 PDT 2020

Hello Everyone,
My Wiki [1]
My Forked Repository [2]
This is my report for *Coding Period Week 7 (July 13th  - July 19th).*


   *What did I get done this week?*
   - Removed all the redundant debug files, comments and headers.
      - Added all the pgTap Tests for my function pgr_makeConnected:
         - Completed function input/output parameter type-check pgTap tests.
         - Completed algorithm edge-cases pgTap tests.
         - Completed additional inner-query pgTap tests.
         - Completed additional no crash pgTap tests.
         - Completed additional rows consistency pgTap tests.
      - Modified and completed the documentation and docqueries of my
      previous function pgr_boyerMyrvold() based on the recommendations
      given by my mentor during Bolsena Code Spirint.
      - Performed the rebase to 3.1.0 and resolved all code conflicts.
      - Details can be found in [3].
      - Merged a pull request with all these changes [4].
      - Merged another pull request after rebase with all these changes [5].

   *What do I plan on doing next week?*
   - The documentation of pgr_makeConnected is remaining. So, in the coming
      week, I plan to add all the documentation files for my function.
      - Next week, I will also make a doc file in which I will show the
      possible applications of my functions that could be implemented within
      pgRouting. My mentor will be reviewing my code next week. I will also
      refine the code based on my mentor's recommendations.

   *Am I blocked on anything?*
   - No

   *Meetings Attended*
   - *July 14:* Performed the rebase to 3.1.0 and resolved all code

Himanshu Raj

[1] WIKI
[2] Forked Repository <https://github.com/rajhim2/GSoC-pgRouting>
[4] Merged Pull Request 1
[5] Merged Pull Request 2
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