[pgrouting-dev] pgRouting version 3.1.1 release

Ashish Kumar ashishkr23438 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 19 07:41:59 PST 2020

Hello pgRouting community,

During the OSGeo Virtual Community Sprint 2020, bug fixes were done to
pgRouting and

*We are pleased to announce the release of pgRouting version 3.1.1.*

The latest release is available at:
The fixes were backported to version 3.0.3:

Issues fixed:

#1733 : pgr_bdAstar fails when source or target vertex does not exist in
the graph
#1647 : Linear Contraction contracts self loops
#1640 : pgr_withPoints fails when points_sql is empty
#1616 : Path evaluation on C++ not updated before the results go back to C
#1300 : pgr_chinesePostman crash on test data

To update your database:

Download the packaged version from your operating system, and use this
command in the database:
ALTER EXTENSION pgrouting UPDATE TO "3.1.1";

Ashish Kumar.
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