[pgrouting-dev] Docker for pgRouting - New versions (with PostGIS 3.1)

Cayetano Benavent cayetano at carto.com
Thu Feb 25 07:03:41 PST 2021

Hello pgRouting community,

We have included PostGIS 3.1 with the latest version of pgRouting (3.1.3).
New Docker images included:

   - 3.1.3 with Postgres 13 + PostGIS 3.1. Docker image:
   - 3.1.3 with Postgres 12 + PostGIS 3.1. Docker image:
   - 3.1.3 with Postgres 11 + PostGIS 3.1. Docker image:

Github repository: https://github.com/pgRouting/docker-pgrouting
Docker hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/pgrouting/pgrouting

pgRouting team

*Cayetano Benavent*

+34 954 095 876 | cayetano at carto.com
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