[pgrouting-dev] PostGIS 3.1.4 bundle for Windows 64-bit 9.6 - 13 is available

Regina Obe lr at pcorp.us
Mon Sep 6 20:15:41 PDT 2021

I've posted installers on stackbuilder and osgeo.org download for windows
64-bit 9.6, 10, 11, 12, 13


PostGIS 3.1.4 bundle includes:

    PostGIS 3.1.4 with MVT support, with raster, GEOS 3.9.1, PROJ 7.1.1,
SFCGAL support (1.3.8), address_standardizer, topology
    PostGIS Tiger geocoder extension - Tiger 2020
    pgRouting 3.2  - pgRouting 3.2.1
    Commandline raster loader (raster2pgsql), shapefile import/export
    Commandline osm2pgrouting 2.3.8 for loading data from .osm files into
pgRouting routable format
    GUI: shp2pgsql-gui which has both import and export support for

    ogrfdw 1.1.1 - spatial foreign data wrapper for reading both spatial
(spatial columns become postgis geometry) and non-spatial data. 
New features in 1.1 - character_encoding option and utility functions
ogr_fdw_drivers(), ogr_fdw_version()

    GDAL 3.2.3 with OpenJPEG 2.3.1 (JPEG 2000), ODBC, Curl, SQLite3 (for
GeoPackage and OSM support), excel (XLS) (via FreeXL 1.0.6), libreoffice,
XLSX spreadsheet (via expat) (used by both PostGIS raster and ogrfdw)
    pgpointcloud 1.2.0 for querying LIDAR point cloud and in/out functions
to convert to PostGIS geometry

Any issues feel free to reply here.


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