[pgrouting-dev] Motion: 2022 Annual Report for OSGeo

Vicky Vergara vicky at erosion.dev
Thu Feb 23 07:06:05 PST 2023

Hello all:
Summary of the motion

Ashish: +1
Cayetano: +1
Daniel: On sick leave.
Rajat: +1
Regina: +1
Vicky: +1

Motion passes.

I will be preparing the wiki page with the report and mail the report to
the incubator and board mailing lists.
And remider, we have our monthly meeting next monday. 15:00 GMT on
https://adventure.osgeo.org meeting room


On Wed, Feb 22, 2023 at 9:47 PM Ashish Kumar <ashishkr23438 at gmail.com>

> +1
> Looks good to me.
> Thanks,
> Ashish.
> On Thu, 16 Feb 2023 at 01:08, Rajat Shinde <rajatshinde2303 at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Looks good to me as well!
>> +1
>> Thanks and regards,
>> Rajat
>> On Thu, Feb 16, 2023 at 1:03 AM Regina Obe <lr at pcorp.us> wrote:
>>> > Motion: Present the 2022 annual report to OSGeo [1]
>>> > [1]
>>> https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQzdepwYsrZb_3Gnu8qEB5FbXtkZ0qZu
>>> SmvCyqoTmWMaiCNljpJRSW4HxHRHs0Tqj3Ad_usHsZUz6JX/pub
>>> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQzdepwYsrZb_3Gnu8qEB5FbXtkZ0qZuSmvCyqoTmWMaiCNljpJRSW4HxHRHs0Tqj3Ad_usHsZUz6JX/pub>
>>> Looks good.
>>> +1
>>> Thanks,
>>> Regina
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