[pgrouting-dev] PSC: Put in a Versioning and End-of-life page detailing versions of pgRouting supported

Regina Obe lr at pcorp.us
Fri Mar 3 17:00:45 PST 2023

Similar to PostgreSQL and PostGIS, I think pgRouting should have an
End-of-life policy.



I have ticketed the issue here:

There are a couple of reasons for this:

1) Makes it clear our general policy for backporting security fixes, bug
fixes, and enhancements.
We of course in our policy can express if a patch is critical for an org
because they can't upgrade and said org is willing 
to pay for the backport, we will consider it.

2) It provides packagers leverage to tell their users to upgrade to new
versions, if they expect to be secure.

3) It provides leverage to developers stuck on ancient systems to force
their orgs to upgrade.

4) It's of course good for us, cause we can be assured how far back we need
to go to patch and also get fewer bug reports on ancient versions we no
longer support.


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