[pgrouting-dev] MOTION: Make Vicky pgRouting PSC Chair

Cayetano Benavent cayetano at carto.com
Wed Mar 29 12:55:43 PDT 2023

+1 from me. Vicky is the best candidate.

El lun, 27 mar 2023, 16:38, Regina Obe <lr at pcorp.us> escribió:

> As part of the Incubation, we need a PSC Chair for pgRouting.
> This person is a member of the PSC who will be OSGeo main point of contact.
> Since Vicky has been doing a good brunt of the work on pgRouting and
> getting
> our incubation in order,
> I think it makes the most sense for her to be PSC Chair.
> +1 from me.
> Thanks,
> Regina
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