[pgrouting-dev] 2024 PSC meetings

Ashish Kumar ashishkr23438 at gmail.com
Fri Jan 5 02:03:26 PST 2024

+0.5 for me.

It will be 7:30am in the morning in India. I would either be half-awake or
sleeping at that time, so I might have to skip some of the meetings or join
for the last few minutes.
If it works best for others, we can go ahead with the timing.


On Fri, 5 Jan 2024 at 03:36, Vicky Vergara via pgrouting-dev <
pgrouting-dev at lists.osgeo.org> wrote:

> Hello all,
> Happy holidays and welcome to pgRouting 2024!
> Thinking about volunteers with a job, trying to disrupt their work time to
> the minimum.
> I want to change the normal PSC meeting date to
> Last monday evening/night  of the month for Mexico, Boston, Montgomery
> Next day's morning after last monday of the month: for Apia, Osaka, Delhi
> Madrid would get to be sleeping (3am)
> https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meetingdetails.html?year=2024&month=1&day=30&hour=2&min=0&sec=0&p1=155&p2=43&p3=407&p4=282&p5=141&p6=671&p7=771
> Please let me know your thoughts.
> Regards
> Vciky
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