[pgrouting-users] [PGROUTING] - Problem when call
shortest_path_shooting_star on MAC OS X 10.5.7
Caio Marques
caiena.caio.marques at gmail.com
Tue Jun 9 14:58:15 EDT 2009
Hi everybody!
First i like to congratulations to PgRouting team project. It is a
very usefull project! :)
I have some problems with shortest_path_shooting_star(text, int4,
int4, bool, bool) function.
I will explain the platform first:
1. Mac OS X 10.5.7
2. PgRouting 1.0.3-2 ( package for MAC OS from kyngchaos )
3. PostGres 8.3.6
4. PostGIS 1.3.5
5. GEOS 10.0.3
6. Proj4 4.6.1
7. GAUL 0.1849
8. CGAL 3.3.1
9. Boost 1.39.0
Now, the procedure:
1. I'm using data from http://www.davidgis.fr/download/pgrouting_wr.sql
2. Run: SELECT gid as id, source, target, cost, reverse_cost,x1,
y1,x2, y2, rule, to_cost FROM wr (works fine)
3. Run: SELECT * FROM shootingstar_sp('wr', 20, 8, 0.1, 'cost', false,
false); (Return an error)
4. I investigate the log file from Postgres and i found this:
LOG: server process (PID 17895) was terminated by signal 10: Bus error
LOG: terminating any other active server processes
LOG: all server processes terminated; reinitializing
LOG: database system was interrupted; last known up at 2009-06-09
15:39:28 BRT
LOG: database system was not properly shut down; automatic recovery
in progress
LOG: record with zero length at 1F/19CD0888
LOG: redo is not required
LOG: database system is ready to accept connections
LOG: autovacuum launcher started
5. I investigate the source code from shootingstar_sp and i discovered
this error occurs on this part:
query := 'SELECT gid,the_geom FROM ' ||
'shortest_path_shooting_star(''SELECT gid as id,
source::integer, ' ||
'target::integer, '||cost_column||'::double precision as
cost, ' ||
'x1::double precision, y1::double precision, x2::double ' ||
'precision, y2::double precision, rule::varchar, ' ||
'to_cost::double precision ';
IF rc THEN query := query || ' , reverse_cost ';
query := query || 'FROM ' || quote_ident(geom_table) || ' where
ll_x-delta||' '||ll_y-delta||','||ur_x+delta||' '||
ur_y+delta||')''''::BOX3D, ' || srid || ') && the_geom'', '
quote_literal(sourceid) || ' , ' ||
quote_literal(targetid) || ' , '''||text(dir)||''', '''||
text(rc)||''' ),' ||
quote_ident(geom_table) || ' where edge_id = gid ';
FOR path_result IN EXECUTE query
geom.gid := path_result.gid;
geom.the_geom := path_result.the_geom;
id := id+1;
geom.id := id;
Anybody knows this problem ?
If you need more details, please contact me.
Caio Marques
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