[pgrouting-users] pgrouting - Driving Direction - foss4g2010, WORKSHOP

Adil BOUMAZOUED boumazoued at gmail.com
Tue Feb 1 13:12:10 EST 2011

i hope this code can help you. it s not complete and not optimised
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">


if ( extension_loaded('pgsql') != 1)
    switch (PHP_OS)

  case "WINNT": if (!extension_loaded('pgsql'))  dl("php_pgsql.dll");
      default:  if (!extension_loaded('pgsql'))  dl("php_pgsql.so");


// includes du fichier fonctions
require 'connexion.php';

function ConvertTemps ($temps) {
if ($temps<60) {
$msg= $temps.'s';
if ($temps>=60 && $temps<3600) {
$temps_s=$temps % 60;
$temps_mn = ($temps - $temps_s)/60;
$msg= $temps_mn.'mn'.$temps_s.'s';
if ($temps>=3600) {
$temps_s=$temps % 3600;
$temps_h=($temps - $temps_s)/3600;
if ($temps_s>=60) {
$temps_s=$temps % 60;
$temps_mn = ($temps - $temps_s)/60;
$msg= $temps_h.'h'.$temps_mn.'mn'.$temps_s.'s';
} else {
$msg= $temps_h.' h00mn '.$temps_s.'s';
return $msg;

function ConvertDistance ($longueur) {
if ($longueur>=1000) {
$longueur = round($longueur,0);
$longueur_metre=$longueur % 1000;
$longueur_km = ($longueur - $longueur_metre)/1000;
$msg= $longueur_km.'km'.$longueur_metre.'m';
} else {
$msg= $longueur.'m';
return $msg;

function direction($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$x3,$y3,$x4,$y4,$typ)


if (($dx==0)&&($dy==0))
if (($dy==0)&&($dx>0))
if (($dy==0)&&($dx<0))

if (($Gisement!=0)&&($Gisement!=100)&&($Gisement!=300))
$di = atan(abs($dx/$dy))*200/$pi;
if (($dx>=0)&&($dy<0)) {
 if (($dx<=0)&&($dy<0)) {
 if (($dx<=0)&&($dy>0)) {


if (($dx==0)&&($dy==0))
if (($dy==0)&&($dx>0))
if (($dy==0)&&($dx<0))

if (($Gisement1!=0)&&($Gisement1!=100)&&($Gisement1!=300))
$di = atan(abs($dx/$dy))*200/$pi;
if (($dx>=0)&&($dy<0)) {
if (($dx<=0)&&($dy<0)) {
if (($dx<=0)&&($dy>0)) {

if ($dir>200) {
$dir = $dir-400;
if ($dir<-200) {
$dir = $dir+400;

if ($dir>=-10 AND $dir<=10) {
$msg="<IMG width=32 height=32 SRC=img/roadmap/21.gif> Continuer tout
if ($dir>=-50 AND $dir<-10) {
$msg="<IMG width=32 height=32 SRC=img/roadmap/22.gif> Serrer à droite";
if ($dir>=-110 AND $dir<-50) {
$msg="<IMG width=32 height=32 SRC=img/roadmap/22.gif> Tourner à droite";
if ($dir>=-150 AND $dir<-100) {
$msg="<IMG width=32 height=32 SRC=img/roadmap/22.gif>Tourner trop serrer à
if ($dir>=-200 AND $dir<-150) {
$msg="<IMG width=32 height=32 SRC=img/roadmap/22.gif>Faite demi tour à
if ($dir>10 AND $dir<=50) {
$msg="<IMG width=32 height=32 SRC=img/roadmap/24.gif>Serrer à gauche";
if ($dir>50 AND $dir<=110) {
$msg="<IMG width=32 height=32 SRC=img/roadmap/24.gif>Tourner à gauche";
if ($dir>110 AND $dir<=150) {
$msg="<IMG width=32 height=32 SRC=img/roadmap/24.gif>Tourner trop serrer à
if ($dir>150 AND $dir<=200) {
$msg="<IMG width=32 height=32 SRC=img/roadmap/24.gif>Faite demi tour à
$msg="<IMG width=32 height=32 SRC=img/roadmap/10.gif> Prendre le Rond Point
: ";
RETURN $msg;

  $counter = $pathlength = 0;

  // Retrieve start point
  $start = split(' ',$_REQUEST['startpoint']);
  $startPoint1 = array($start[0], $start[1]);
$txtStart = $_REQUEST['txtstartpoint'];
$txtEnd = $_REQUEST['txtendpoint'];
  //echo $_REQUEST['startpoint'];

  // Retrieve end point
  $end = split(' ',$_REQUEST['finalpoint']);
  $endPoint1 = array($end[0], $end[1]);
//echo $_REQUEST['finalpoint'];
  // Find the nearest edge
  $startEdge = findNearestEdge($startPoint1);
  $endEdge   = findNearestEdge($endPoint1);

  // FUNCTION findNearestEdge
  function findNearestEdge($lonlat) {

    // Connect to database
  $con  = pg_connect("host=".PG_HOST."

    //$con = pg_connect("dbname=".PG_DB." host=".PG_HOST." user=".PG_USER."
    $sql = "SELECT gid, source, target, the_geom,
 distance(the_geom, GeometryFromText(
                  'POINT(".$lonlat[0]." ".$lonlat[1].")', -1)) AS dist
            FROM ".TABLE."
            WHERE the_geom && setsrid(
                         ".($lonlat[1]+0.1).")'::box3d, -1)
            ORDER BY dist LIMIT 1";
  //echo $sql;
    $query = pg_query($con,$sql);

    $edge['gid']      = pg_fetch_result($query, 0, 0);
    $edge['source']   = pg_fetch_result($query, 0, 1);
    $edge['target']   = pg_fetch_result($query, 0, 2);
    $edge['the_geom'] = pg_fetch_result($query, 0, 3);

    // Close database connection

    return $edge;

  // Select the routing algorithm
  switch($_REQUEST['method']) {

    case 'SPD' : // Shortest Path Dijkstra

      $sql = "SELECT rt.gid, AsText(rt.the_geom) AS wkt,
                   length(rt.the_geom) AS length, ".TABLE.".id
                FROM ".TABLE.",
                    (SELECT gid, the_geom
                        FROM dijkstra_sp_delta(
                     ) as rt
                WHERE ".TABLE.".gid=rt.gid;";

    case 'SPA' : // Shortest Path A*

       $sql = "SELECT rt.gid, AsText(rt.the_geom) AS wkt,
                     ".TABLE.".length, ".TABLE.".id, ".TABLE.".temps,
".TABLE.".on, ".TABLE.".typ, ".TABLE.".id ,  ".TABLE.".x1 as xs,
 ".TABLE.".y1 as ys,  ".TABLE.".x2 as xe,  ".TABLE.".y2 as ye
                  FROM ".TABLE.",
                      (SELECT *
                          FROM astar_sp_delta(
                       ) as rt
                  WHERE ".TABLE.".gid=rt.gid;";


    case 'SPS' : // Shortest Path Shooting*
if ($_REQUEST['mode']==1) {
$sql = "SELECT rt.gid, AsText(rt.the_geom) AS wkt,
                     length(rt.the_geom) AS length, rt.length, rt.temps,
rt.on, rt.typ, ".TABLE.".id , rt.xs, rt.ys, rt.xe, rt.ye
                  FROM ".TABLE.",
                      (SELECT a.gid, a.the_geom, b.temps, b.on, b.typ ,
b.length as length, b.x1 as xs, b.y1 as ys, b.x2 as xe, b.y2 as ye
                          FROM shootingstar_sp(
                              0.01, 'length',true, false) a, roads b where
                       ) as rt
                  WHERE ".TABLE.".gid=rt.gid;";

  } else {
$sql = "SELECT rt.gid, AsText(rt.the_geom) AS wkt,
                     length(rt.the_geom) AS length, rt.length, rt.temps,
rt.on, rt.typ, ".TABLE.".id , rt.xs, rt.ys, rt.xe, rt.ye
                  FROM ".TABLE.",
                      (SELECT a.gid, a.the_geom, b.temps, b.on, b.typ ,
b.length as length, b.x1 as xs, b.y1 as ys, b.x2 as xe, b.y2 as ye
                          FROM shootingstar_sp(
                              0.01, 'temps',true, false) a, roads b where
                       ) as rt
                  WHERE ".TABLE.".gid=rt.gid;";


  } // close switch
//echo $sql;
  // Database connection and query
  $dbcon = pg_connect("host=".PG_HOST."

  $query = pg_query($dbcon,$sql);

  // Return route as html table

$xml1  .= "<style type='text/css'>";
$xml1  .= "a:link {";
$xml1  .= " color: #FFCC00;";
$xml1  .= "}";
$xml1  .= "a:visited {";
$xml1  .= " color: #FFCC00;";
$xml1  .= "}";
$xml1  .= ".style1 {font-size: 12px;font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica,
sans-serif;font-weight: bold;}";
$xml1  .= ".style2 {font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica,
sans-serif;font-size: 12px;}";
$xml1  .= ".style3 {color: #808080}";
$xml1  .= "</style>";
echo $xml1;
//echo "depart ".$startEdge['gid']." -------<p>";
$xml .= "sql=".$sql." fin de la requête";
  $xml .= "<table width='100%' border='2' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='1'
bordercolor='#FF9F00' bgcolor='#FFFFFF'>";
  $xml .="<tr bordercolor='#C0C0C0'>";
  $xml .= "<td><strong>Etape</strong></td>";
  $xml .= "<td><strong>Id Tronçon</strong></td>";

  $xml .= "<td><strong>length Etape</strong></td>";
  $xml .= "<td><strong>length Cumulé</strong></td>";
  $xml .= "<td><strong>Temps moyen</strong></td>";
  $xml .= "<td><strong>Nom de la Rue</strong></td>";
  $xml .="</tr>";

  // Add edges to XML file
  while($edge=pg_fetch_assoc($query)) {

    $pathlength += $edge['length'];
$xml .="<tr bordercolor='#C0C0C0'>";
    $xml .= "<td> ".++$counter."</td>";
    $xml .= "<td> ".$edge['gid']."</td>";
//déclaration des tableaux pour organisation de la feuille du route
$ii[$counter] = $edge['gid'];
$startPoint[$counter] = array($edge['xs'], $edge['ys']);
$endPoint[$counter] = array($edge['xe'], $edge['ye']);
$rue[$counter] = $edge['on'];
$x1[$counter] = $edge['xs'];
$y1[$counter] = $edge['ys'];
$x2[$counter] = $edge['xe'];
$y2[$counter] = $edge['ye'];

//fin des déclaration

$temps_trajet +=$temps1;
if ($temps1>60) {
$temps2=round($temps1,0)." mn";
if ($temps1>3600) {
$temps2=round($temps1,0)." h";
if ($temps1<60) {
$temps2=round($temps1,0)." s";

$xml .= "<td> ".round($edge['length'],2)." m</td>";
    $xml .= "<td> ".round(($pathlength),2)." m</td>";
$xml .= "<td> ".$edge['wkt']."</td>";
//pour vérifier le changement du rue par son nom
$j = $i;
$i +=1;
if ($on[$i] != $on[$j])
$xml .= "<td> <img src='img/roadmap/2.png'>".$edge['on'].".</td>";
else {
$xml .= "<td> ".$edge['on'].".</td>";

$xml .="</tr>";
  $xml .= "</table>";
  // Close database connection

echo "<h3 style='color:#2e585c;'>Feuille de route</h3>";

  // Return routing result
  //header('Content-type: text/xml',true);
echo "<div style='width:250px; float:left; border-left:1px solid #CCCCCC;
 border-right:1px solid #CCCCCC; padding:0 10px;'>";

echo "<span class='style3'>".htmlentities("Résumé du Trajet")."</span><br>";
if ($_REQUEST['method']=='SPA')
echo "<span class='style3'>".htmlentities("Mode de Navigation :
if ($_REQUEST['method']=='SPS')
echo "<span class='style3'>Mode de Navigation :</span><span
if ($_REQUEST['mode']==1)
echo "<span class='style3'>".htmlentities("Type d'itinéraire :
")."</span><span class='style3'>Le plus court</span><br>";
} else {
echo "<span class='style3'>".htmlentities("Type d'itinéraire :
")."</span><span class='style3'>Le plus Rapide</span><br>";
 echo "<span class='style3'>Longueur du Trajet : </span><span
echo ConvertDistance(round(($pathlength),0))."</span><br>";
echo "<span class='style3'>Temps total du Trajet : </span><span
echo ConvertTemps($temps_trajet)."</span></br>";
echo "</div>";
echo "</br>";
echo "</br>";
echo "</br>";
echo "</br>";
  //echo $xml;
//  echo "<p>_______________________________________________<p>";
//  echo $counter."<p>";
//   echo "_______________________________________________<p>";
//for($i=1; $i<=$counter ; $i++) {
//echo "&&startPoint[".$i."] = array(".$x1[$i].",".$y1[$i].");<p>";
//echo "&&endPoint[".$i."] = array(".$x2[$i].",".$y2[$i].");<p>";
//echo "&&rue[".$i."] = |".$rue[$i]."|;<p>";

  //recherche du premier tronçon de la route
for($i=1; $i<=$counter ; $i++) {
  if ($ii[$i]==$startEdge['gid']) {
// echo "<script>alert(".$startEdge['gid'].");</script>";
  //stockage temporaire de la ligne n°1
  $ll= $length[1];
  $tm= $temps[1];
  //Attribution de la ligne n° 1 au premier tronçon de la route
  //attribution du tronçon n° i de l'ex début de route par l'exe premier

 for($i=1; $i<=$counter ; $i++)
  for($j=$i+1; $j<=$counter ; $j++)
  if ($startPoint[$j]==$endPoint[$i])



  for($i=0; $i<=$counter ; $i++)
  //assemblage des tronçons par nom des rues
$comt_temp +=1;
$temps_troncon += $temps[$i];
$temps_cumule +=$temps[$i];
$length_troncon +=$length[$i];
$length_cumule +=$length[$i];
  if ($rue[$i+1]!=$rue[$i])
$etape +=1;
if ($etape % 2 != 0) {
//echo "<tr bgcolor='#B8E1F5'>";
} else {
//echo "<tr>";
//echo "<td><span class='style2'>".$etape."</span></td>";
 //echo "<td><span class='style1'>";
if ($i==1) {
//echo "<IMG width=32 height=32 SRC=img/drapeau/11.gif> Prendre ";
 } elseif ($i==$counter) {
//echo "<IMG width=32 height=32 SRC=img/drapeau/12.gif> Arrivé à ";
} else {
 //echo direction($x1[$i-1],$y1[$i-1],$x1[$i],$y1[$i],$x1[$i+1],$y1[$i+1],
$x1[$i+2],$y1[$i+2], $type[$i+1]);
$x1[$i+2],$y1[$i+2], $type[$i+1]);
//echo $rue[$i]."</span></td>";
//echo "<td><span class='style2'>";
//echo ConvertDistance($length_troncon)."</span></td>";
//echo "<td><span class='style2'>";
//echo ConvertDistance($length_cumule)."</span></td>";
//echo "<td><span class='style2'>";
//echo ConvertTemps($temps_troncon)."</span></td>";
//echo "<td><span class='style2'>";
//echo ConvertTemps($temps_cumule)."</span></td>";
//echo "</tr>";
//initialiser le compteur
$comt_temp =0;
   //echo "</table>";
echo "<div style='background-color:#f0f0f0; color:#00519e; padding:0 10px;
margin-bottom:5px;'><div style='float:left; width:275px;'><img
src='img/drapeau/14.png'>".htmlentities("Départ")." :
   echo "<div style='background-color:#f0f0f0; color:#00519e; padding:0
10px; margin-bottom:5px;'><div style='float:left;
   echo $DistanceTroncon[1]."</div>";
   echo "<div style='background-color:#f0f0f0; color:#00519e; padding:0
10px; margin-bottom:5px;'><div style='float:left; width:275px;'> de
   echo "<div style='background-color:#f0f0f0; color:#00519e; padding:0
10px; margin-bottom:5px;'><div style='float:left;
   echo "<div style='background-color:#f0f0f0; color:#00519e; padding:0
10px; margin-bottom:5px;'><div style='float:left;
width:275px;'>".htmlentities("  ")."</div></div>";
   echo "<p>";
   for($i=1; $i<=$counter-2 ; $i++)
echo "<div style='background-color:#f0f0f0; color:#00519e; padding:0 10px;
margin-bottom:5px;'><div style='float:left;
echo "  ";
echo "<div style='background-color:#f0f0f0; color:#00519e; padding:0 10px;
margin-bottom:5px;'><div style='float:left;
echo $DistanceTroncon[$i]."</div>";
//echo "coucou";
//echo "<p>";
 echo "<div style='background-color:#f0f0f0; color:#00519e; padding:0 10px;
margin-bottom:5px;'><div style='float:left;
   echo "<div style='background-color:#f0f0f0; color:#00519e; padding:0
10px; margin-bottom:5px;'><div style='float:left;
width:275px;'>".$direction[$i]."</div></div>";htmlentities(" et vous arrivez
à ")."</div></div>";
   echo "<div style='background-color:#f0f0f0; color:#00519e; padding:0
10px; margin-bottom:5px;'><div style='float:left;
   echo $DistanceTroncon[$counter-1]."</div></div>";
   echo "<div style='background-color:#f0f0f0; color:#00519e; padding:0
10px; margin-bottom:5px;'><div style='float:left; width:275px;'><img
src='img/drapeau/15.png'>".htmlentities("Arrivé")." :
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