[pgrouting-users] about use of navteq data

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Fri Jan 14 23:54:12 EST 2011

On 1/14/2011 6:00 PM, Henrik Berggren wrote:
> I'm also using Navteq data, it feels good to that I'm not alone with
> pgrouting and navteq since the documentation is about navteq + pgrouting
> is almost non-existent.
> My colleagues and I are trying to figure how to update the rules for the
> shooting star algorithm to use driving restrictions. Any hints?

Hi Henrik,

This is a problem area in my mind. Look in the list archive for "turn 
restrictions" I have posted about this in the past.

To summarize:

1. it is my opinion that we need to revamp how restrictions are defined 
in pgRouting and I have made some proposals, but we have not had any 
development resource that have had time to implement it

2. there some ability to enter turn restrictions when you add an edge if 
I recall. In theory, if you have multiple restrictions you have to add 
the edge multiple times one with each restriction. I haven't actually 
tried to do this so I'm not sure if or how well that works.

3. I'm not sure if you can add a complex restriction that requires 
multiple edges to define.

Hope this helps,

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