[pgrouting-users] pgrouting with driving direction problem

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Mon Nov 28 15:20:44 EST 2011

On 11/28/2011 10:52 AM, Asad Syed wrote:
> Hi
> I am new with pgRouting and since 10 days stuck with driving direction.
> I don't know how to do that.
> I have not found any workshop specifically for Driving Directions and I
> am very confused about that.
> I am impressed with following below URL's and I wanted to do that,
> please guide me or give am any workshop.
> http://routing.geosdi.org/
> http://gis.imaptools.com/routing/leaddog/?zoom=10&lat=33.85667&lon=35.52978&layers=B0TTTF&start=35.492313%2033.826188&stop=35.595811%2033.906827&method=STS&lang=eng

Hi Asad,

I created the demo link above for one of my clients. The code for this 
is specific to the columns of the data we were using, so it is not 
generally applicable to other data sets. I have posted a few times on 
how it is implemented. Try this google query:


It probably has most of what I have posted on the subject. You can also 
look at the source of the gis.imaptools.com link to see how I integrated 
it into OpenLayers and PHP. The PHP ajax handlers are very simple, they 
basically call stored procedures that I wrote and take the resultant 
records and format them into XML that is parsed by OpenLayers.

-Steve W

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