[pgrouting-users] Using pgrouting for senior capstone design project?

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Mon Feb 27 20:14:40 EST 2012

On 2/27/2012 6:49 PM, Andy Carnevale wrote:
> Steve,
> Thank you for your response. The approach you described is similar to
> what I was also considering, except I was planning on using Google's
> Distance Matrix API
> (http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/distancematrix/) to
> pull the time-distances between clients. Every morning, when that
> day's roster is confirmed, I would generate a graph containing that
> day's clients. Doing this would reduce it to an OR problem to
> determine good routes.
> However I was considering pgrouting because its seems like the DARP
> branch (http://www.pgrouting.org/docs/1.x/darp.html) is already
> capable of making calculations like this. Perhaps I misunderstanding
> pgrouting's capabilities?

Ok, DARP might be able to do this also. I just read through the docs on 
it at the link above and it does sound like it should be able to do a 
lot if not all of what you need.

I will say that I have not tried to use the DARP package, so I'm not 
aware of the details. I think this also needs to be passed the distance 
matrix. It would be great to see this getting used in a real world 

Over the last couple of years we have had a lot of code developed in 
branches that needs to be pulled into the next release when ever that is.


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